Mind and Body Programs

  • Breathing nourishes our bodies and mind.

  • Focused breathing sharpens our thinking during the day and helps with sleep.

  • Each inhalation brings new energy and life into our bodies.

Breath Work

  • Meditation enhances the self-realization process and promotes over wellbeing

  • Meditation is a constant practice of intense focus on a particular object, sound, visualization, the breath or deep attention to increasing awareness of the present moment

  • Helps to reduce stress, anxiety, curtail over thinking and promotes relaxation.


  • Physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.

  • Deeply relaxes the body · Stills a busy mind · Releases muscular tension, improving mobility and flexibility



  • Increases circulation

    Improves flexibility

  • Yin practice releases fascia and improves joint mobility.

    What is Fascia?

    “A fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches to, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs.”


  • Integrate a yoga practice into your Corp Wellness plan.

  • Integrate a yoga practice into your retreat offerings.

  • Integrate a Yoga practice to your special event.